What is SYNC ?

Imagine a workout system that restores natural range of motion, enhances joint mobility and stabilization, re-educates the nervous system, improves performance for athletics and daily activities. boosts metabolism and the immune system.

Restore the body to more youthful resiliency thereby lessening pain and leading to a more healthy and active life.

This is the next frontier in Personal Training for Health & Wellness.

By training for health, we become more truly fit.

 We gain somatic awareness through incorporating proprioceptive joint activation, while simultaneously focusing on body focus feedback and voluntary breath patterning.

Using patterns, posture and positions found in Yoga, Pilates and general fitness, a technique incorporating neuro-glide or nerve flossing is applied to positively affect muscle and fascial -length and function. Effective core stabilization exercises are integrated into the system as way to improve function at all levels.


When the body is out of balance through shortening, or lengthening of soft tissue attempting to compensate and hold the body together as best it can, this leads to structural imbalances which lead to pain, discomfort, impeded performance and bad health.

You cannot affect one part of the body without affecting the whole body. A body out of balance will most times precipitate failures in the physical well-being, the immune system, and mental and emotional health of the individual.

  By aligning the body, balancing the body, we allow the flow of somatic neural impulses and proper circulation and lymphatic flow occur in the best possible way.

 The body is always striving toward health and healing and when we remove the obstacles to its natural state- we improve wellness and thereby create “FIT-ness”


Coaches using these techniques restore flexibility, strength potential, neuromuscular reflex (response, balance, proprioception) reduce pain and increase energy.

The effects of this training may also boost metabolism and strengthen immune response, however more qualitative studies need to be conducted.






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